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How do you feel about dating a bald man?
Asked by girlofscience | 182 responses -
If you got a tattoo of a ruler, would it stay accurate forever?
Asked by Ltryptophan | 36 responses -
I'm having trouble accepting the physical changes associated with aging. Am I alone?
Asked by syz | 26 responses -
How does one get along with elderly parents who have radically different views?
Asked by Hawaii_Jake | 23 responses -
How do I answer to my Mother about my deceased Father?
Asked by majorrich | 15 responses -
How is it that very few adults seem to have "friends"?
Asked by WolfFang | 82 responses -
If you could look the way you did at a younger age of your choice permanently, would you?
Asked by janbb | 60 responses -
In today's culture, at what age does being a virgin become weird?
Asked by saranwrapper | 59 responses -
Is it extremely odd that I don't necessarily want to live a "long" life?
Asked by ANef_is_Enuf | 54 responses -
If you could save your best dreams in a jar would you fill all the shelves in your storage cellar? Which would be the one you go back to open most often?
Asked by SherlockPoems | 32 responses -
Do you think your "love" life is over?
Asked by burntbonez | 50 responses -
A question for those 55 and over?
Asked by anniereborn | 20 responses -
Could the combination of Alzheimer's and the American healthcare system be any worse?
Asked by syz | 25 responses -
What music do you know and/or appreciate that you really shouldn't, due to your age or musical tastes?
Asked by augustlan | 52 responses -
What are you looking forward to in life?
Asked by KateTheGreat | 39 responses -
How old are you?
Asked by Male | 102 responses -
When did you realize you were 'old'?
Asked by GloPro from iPhone | 50 responses -
Why are some people -- often older people -- reluctant to try to keep up with new technology?
Asked by wundayatta | 55 responses -
Do you have moments when you feel old?
Asked by SadieMartinPaul | 30 responses -
Have you given any thought to what kind of an old person you want to be?
Asked by Judi | 54 responses -
Do the benefits of joining AARP outweigh the pissed-off-edness that comes with realizing you're old enough to join?
Asked by augustlan | 18 responses -
What's the best way to approximate hibernation?
Asked by Zissou | 9 responses -
What separates the women from the girls?
Asked by Just_Justine | 78 responses -
Can you imagine what you & your life will be like in 2050?
Asked by longtresses | 54 responses -
Are there certain fashions that are off limits for men or women of a certain age?
Asked by SuperMouse | 24 responses