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LadyMarissa's avatar

Is there a specific commercial on TV that you find insulting?

Asked by LadyMarissa (16142points) May 26th, 2018

I just saw the Kerasal commercial. Kerasal kills toenail fungus to help keep your feet healthier.In the commercial they are showing how important it would be to us if our feet were our hands. I’ve been following Tisha Unarmed on youtube. Tisha has NO arms & has to do everything with her feet. She’s amazing with all the things that she’s able to do!!! Anyway, every time I see the Kerasal commercial, I find it insulting because it leaves me feeling that they’re making fun of people who actually have to use their feet as their hands. is there any commercial that leaves you feeling uncomfortable???

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31 Answers

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Yeah a couple of car commercials, one is a father driving down the road and he keeps looking over his shoulder at his two children sleeping in the back seat,when all of a sudden there is a beeping the dash and the car screeches to a stop,he looks up and realizes he was going to rear end a garbage truck,he looks very relieved that the vehicle stopped on it’s own.

The real caption should read,I am glad my car looks out for me and my family because I am too stupid to drive safely.

JLeslie's avatar

The Tide commercial where the mom steals her daughter’s shirt really bothered me. I’m not sure if I find it insulting, but definitely in bad taste.

LadyMarissa's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 I don’t like that one either. Personally, I don’t want my car to be smarter than me!!! Plus that commercial makes me wonder what will happen IF the car behind them isn’t a smart car, their car is rear ended & everybody ends up in the hospital with whiplash??? I’ve suffered through whiplash. It’s NOT fun!!!

LadyMarissa's avatar

@JLeslie For me, there’s a fine line between bad taste & insulting!!! I find it insultinng that the advertiser thinks I should blindly follow their bad taste!!!

Mimishu1995's avatar

Not really a commercial, but there is a short program played between commercial break to raise awareness about autism. It depicts a child with every autism stereotype possible, and his mother tries to cope with him. The mother is showed crying several times in the program. I find the program extremely insulting because it treats autistic people like some kind of inhuman creatures that invade the Earth for no reason, and we human just have to accept them.

The message “have some love for autism” doesn’t bore well with me.

ScienceChick's avatar

what are TV commercials? Aren’t they extinct? Like CD’s and video stores?

LuckyGuy's avatar

Every Kiss begins with Kay. (Kay Jewelers)

It is wrong on so many levels. Ugh! He gives her a piece of jewelry and she gets happy and kisses him.
What are the messages there?

JLeslie's avatar

@LuckyGuy Great point. The ads could easily be about commitment or love rather than getting a kiss.

ragingloli's avatar

The one where a suicide bomber drives in front of a café in a VW and blows himself up, with the car containing the detonation and remaining undamaged.
VWs are not that sturdy. It is false advertising.

ragingloli's avatar

Any and every fast food commercial.
The food never looks like that.
It is a scam.

ragingloli's avatar

The Red Bull commercials.
The crap does not give you wings and enable you to fly.
More false advertising.

ragingloli's avatar

The Mercedes Benz one, where a car with an automatic emergency braking system, runs over a small child. It is revealed that the child’s name is Adolf, and the spot ends with the title card “recognises dangers, before they emerge”.
How dare they.
He Made Germany Great Again.

snowberry's avatar

@ragingloli I often wonder how many of your answers on general questions are made up like yours here (and why you always seem to get a free pass). I challenge you to provide proof of a commercial where a suicide bomber blows up a VW, or where a Mercedes runs over a small child.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Anything where they shout at you. Doesn’t matter what product – if they shout, I won’t have it.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

I HATE when the commercial volume is 5X the programming volume. It’s an automatic boycott on any product that does that in their advertising.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@ragingloli I am on your side with those commercials, they are horrible.

LadyMarissa's avatar

@ScienceChick If I’m honest with myself, I’m extinct; so, I tend to be drawn to other things that are extinct.

I can assure you that the ONLY thing on your list that appears to be extinct are the video stores & I’m sure that there is atleast one still out there somewhere!! I’m still buying CDs & I occasionally buy a video cassette. You must be young & have NO idea what all you have missed out on!!!

LadyMarissa's avatar

@LuckyGuy I agree on the Kay commercials!!! I was so insulted by them that I’ve spent most of my life doing my best to NOT be one of those shallow women!!!

In high school when all the girls were choosing who they would date by the car he drove, I was choosing mine by the job that he had. The song “Diamonds Are A Girl’s Best Friend” made me want to hurl.My self worth costs MORE than a diamond. I saw it as the male population trying to keep their women under control!!! I didn’t want a man I could control no more than I wanted a man trying to control me!!!

LadyMarissa's avatar

@ragingloli You get commercials that I’ve never seen. Being relatively new here I don’t know your back story. Safe to assume you don’t live in the US???

chyna's avatar

@ScienceChick Do you live in a cave?

LadyMarissa's avatar

@ARE_you_kidding_me I don’t like any of the loud commercials either. Since Billy Mays passed, there don’t seem to be as many loud mouth commercials as their used to be. I’m sorry Billy died; but I don’t miss his screaming!!!

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@LadyMarissa , @ragingloli is from Germany.
And I hope you remember I am from Canada.

LadyMarissa's avatar

@elbanditoroso I had missed your response…sorry. My reply to you is much the same as my response to @ARE_you_kidding_me. I often avoid purchasing those items altogether. I do the same with youtube ads. Since they are trying to force them on me, I ony watch them once & then I put them on my list of “do not buy”!!!

LadyMarissa's avatar

Thank you @SQUEEKY2 . I’ll do my best to remember this!!! I am under the impression that the US & Canada have much the same TV programming including commercials. Is that true???

LadyMarissa's avatar

@Mimishu1995 I have not seen the particular segment that you’re describing. However, I have dealt with a child with autism. They are very special children who need to be loved just like you & me!!! Due to their quirks, they are often misunderstood & their parents practically stoned for delivering a less than perfect child!!! Yes, they can often try the patience of Job; but, they are still very loving & precious children who should not be shut out just because they don’t fit the norm set by society!!! I can assure you that they are NOT inhuman; & IF you can find a way to share your love with an autistic child,you will receive that love back 10 times over because they understand the hatred of those who do not love them & they appreciate those that do!!!

Mimishu1995's avatar

@LadyMarissa you can’t see it. It’s not in English and I can’t seem to find a link for it, it has stopped airing now. And yeah, that’s the problem I have with the program. They tries to show that autism is a thing that exists and not a made up excuse for bad behavior. But their view on autism is rather questionable. They seem to think autism is a disease that makes you behave badly and it needs to be cured. People with autism are the same as someone from an asylum.

Sadly it’s a view many people in my country share. I hate all the autism support groups they create. They are sometimes showed on TV and what they do is telling people that autistic people are mentally ill and they need to be supported to get normal again. They show autistic children do very basic human things and are like “look! They have autism and they can do that! Yeah it kind of sucks but what do you expect from autism?”

I can see the program resonate with many people. But count me out.

jonsblond's avatar

The ones that tell us that the best way to honor women is to buy them diamonds.

Any holiday related add as well.

kruger_d's avatar
Love’s Baby Soft
More repulsed than insulted.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I had never seen that one; but it should be illegal!!!

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