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Does Cuomo have public support for his new anti-BDS executive order?
Asked by DoNotKnowMuch | 14 responses -
Would Iran (or any other Islamic country) fire a nuclear warhead into Jerusalem and destroy the Al-Aqsa Mosque?
Asked by rojo | 18 responses -
We all know that Israel and most of the Arab countries nearby are not even remotely friendly. Suppose that an Israeli commercial plane (El Al, for example) had engine trouble and had to make an emergency landing in Saudi Arabia or Bahrain or Dubai or possibly Iran? What would that country - who doesn't acknowledge that Israel exists - do with 300 passengers and the plane?
Asked by elbanditoroso | 6 responses -
What do you think of this video of an Israeli soldier and a young boy?
Asked by gorillapaws | 14 responses -
Have you been following the elections?
Asked by zenzen | 21 responses -
Does the recent terrorist attacks in Europe affect your opinion of the Palestinian Israeli conflict?
Asked by JLeslie from iPhone | 9 responses -
Is Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressing the US Congress without White House involvement a productive move?
Asked by ibstubro | 45 responses -
Does how you feel about the Israeli Palestinian conflict have anything to do with how you feel about Jews, Israelis, Palestinians or Muslims in your country?
Asked by JLeslie from iPhone | 14 responses -
Why are you pro-Israel?
Asked by pleiades | 43 responses -
Why are kids reportedly being killed in the Gaza strip?
Asked by pleiades from iPhone | 176 responses -
Are Gaza strip residents truly surprised when a Mosque or school that stored and fired rockets is destroyed?
Asked by LuckyGuy | 10 responses -
If Palestinian terrorists used kidnapped Jewish women/children as human shields, would the IDF use a different tactic for taking out rocket launch sites?
Asked by gorillapaws | 10 responses -
If the Jews left Israel what would happen in the middle east?
Asked by JLeslie | 26 responses -
Shall we milestone the death of former Isreali Prime Minister Ariel Sharon?
Asked by ibstubro | 7 responses -
Does Netanyahu have a point about the new nuclear deal with Iran?
Asked by LilCosmo | 10 responses -
Jews in the Diasporah - what does Israel's 65th Independance Day (today) mean to you?
Asked by zenzen | 11 responses -
Why does the US support Israel?
Asked by El_Cadejo | 22 responses -
Is Obama's trip to Israel poorly timed?
Asked by ETpro | 34 responses -
Obama was interviewed by top anchor Levi today - did the 25 minute interview with an Israeli (just prior to his visit to Israel) make your news?
Asked by zensky | 9 responses -
How do you pronounce "Czernowin" (last name of a person from Israel)?
Asked by florican | 16 responses -
Would you like to learn a little about a tiny Middle Eastern country's politics - and then cast your vote?
Asked by zensky | 17 responses -
How do you feel about the week-long events in Israel/Gaza - does it somehow affect your day - and are you biased towards one side or the other?
Asked by zensky | 45 responses -
What do you predict the Hamas leaders in Gaza are thinking and doing? (See details)
Asked by wundayatta | 25 responses -
Did you see the documentary Precious Life about a Palestinian baby being treated in an Israeli hospital?
Asked by JLeslie | 7 responses -
Middle East politics overview?
Asked by marmoset from iPhone | 8 responses