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Would the long standing Arab/Israeli tribal differences be better contained, if one side weren't armed with enough firepower to destroy a continent?
Asked by mammal | 9 responses -
How long do you think it will be before Israel bombs Iran?
Asked by SquirrelEStuff | 8 responses -
Worked on a Kibbutz?
Asked by Zen | 17 responses -
How does the "Security Fence," Israel is building differ from me building a fence that wraps around my neighbors swimming pool and rose garden?
Asked by TheIowaCynic | 4 responses -
Why does Israel, who America gives billions of dollars a year to, not have a mutual extradition law with us and allow criminals from the U.S. to flee to Israel to escape prosecution here?
Asked by TheIowaCynic | 42 responses -
Is this positive for Palestinians?
Asked by JamesL | 10 responses -
How long are the Israel Birthright trips?
Asked by JonnyCeltics | 5 responses -
Can anyone suggest a good Hebrew poem to recite?
Asked by omfgTALIjustIMDu | 8 responses -
Was Israel justified in killing US Navy men, bombing the USS Liberty, and did Israel apoligize and was that fatal attack on the USS Liberty Justified?
Asked by Mizuki | 10 responses -
Does Israel have the right to invade Gaza?
Asked by cdwccrn from iPhone | 53 responses -
Why, WHY, does America so strongly support Isreal?
Asked by syz | 24 responses -
Websites that explain the fundamental issues concerning Israel, Palestine, the West Bank, Gaza, Hamas, Hezbollah, etc?
Asked by hTownDude | 8 responses -
If there's so much love for the "Palestinians," why don't wealthy Arab nations support them?
Asked by rawpixels | 53 responses -
Would you like to spend your Christmas as a pilgrim to Bethlehem where Jesus was born?
Asked by seVen | 30 responses -
Is war between Israel and Iran imminent before Obama's inauguration?
Asked by seVen | 13 responses -
What you think of the so called "Two-State [Israeli-Palestinian] Solution"?
Asked by seVen | 11 responses -
What can be done to solve the Middle East [Israeli-Palestinian] Crisis?
Asked by seVen | 12 responses -
My parents are going to Israel for the first time - what should they do and see?
Asked by Trustinglife | 14 responses -
Israeli citizen?
Asked by FiRE_MaN | 3 responses -
What are some topics jews argue about within the denominations? (Reform, Orthodox, Secular...)
Asked by judyprays | 22 responses -
Will president Obama be good with the middle east conflict?
Asked by seVen from iPhone | 9 responses -
Is there anyone else here who is a fan of Tim Minchin and his irreverent humour?
Asked by Critter38 | 9 responses -
On Morals and Voting?
Asked by shockvalue | 38 responses -
Since when is Israel our ally?
Asked by SquirrelEStuff from iPhone | 22 responses -
Do you have any advice regarding Birthright Israel?
Asked by La_chica_gomela | 13 responses