Social Question

imrainmaker's avatar

How would you react if someone was very rude with you?

Asked by imrainmaker (8380points) August 6th, 2016

Depending on your personality type what would be the typical reaction from you?

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26 Answers

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I would walk away and tell a Friend or family member about it for advice. I need an adult I need an adult.~

Kropotkin's avatar


Coloma's avatar

I am very good with rude people, people in general, regardless of how they show up.
I have a way of putting them in their place with boldness and humor that leaves little to be guessed about. I can easily leave people speechless and fumbling for a response. haha

johnpowell's avatar

Normally I just walk away.

But not for the reason you might think.

The thing is I am a asshole and if you hurt me I want to hurt you back.

I am 40 years old and the best way to hurt someone is to not respond.

jca's avatar

It’s hard to say out of context. It would depend on how rude they were, what they did or said, and what my interaction with them was. If it was something short term where they were waiting on me (perhaps the worker at Motor Vehicles for example), my reaction or lack of reaction would be different than if it were a friend or coworker who I have to deal with often, or not often, or a whole host of other variables that make this question hard to answer without some scenarios.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Usually brush it off and continue to be nice unless a different reaction is called for.

Mariah's avatar

Usually just take it and then take my anger out on someone in the internet later. I’m a pushover in real life and a bitch on the internet.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

@Mariah you are not a bitch on the internet.

kritiper's avatar

IU would walk away and never speak to that person again. If it was a business, I would tell all I could that the business was not worth their patronage.

SecondHandStoke's avatar

Depends on everything.

These sort of cases are to be handled individually.

There are a nearly exhausting myriad of factors.

To name just a few:


Apparent intelligence level of offender.

Surrounding crowd.

Personal company.

I will probably let you know subtly (never without my losing my own cool) that you are being a dick.

You might realize it immediately.

You might have to wait until weeks later, when you relate your story involving me at a party, to be told by your friends that you got cut down at the knees.

ZEPHYRA's avatar

@Mariah no way! Not you unless you are provoked, no way you could be bitchy! You are well-spoken, certainly not rude.

CWOTUS's avatar

What @SecondHandStoke said. Everything is relative. Everything depends on everything else. In general, and in personal encounters, people are very rarely rude to me because I go out of my way to be polite first. That is, I am polite and (generally) attentive by default, so when things go south, as they sometimes will, then at least people have in their minds that I tried to do the right thing/s first, and then the benefit of the doubt is extended to me, too.

I retain the nuclear option for when it may be warranted. I also carry several self-defense tools on my person most of the time when I’m out and about, so I’m prepared to go “personally nuclear”, too.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I think @johnpowell pretty much spoke my mind. There are many other ways I can think of to strike back without having to charge on them, it’s just that whether it’s worth it or not. Usually I’m not affected by what people say, rather what people do to me. And when their rude behavior has gone too far from words, well, I’ll think of a way to deal with it depends on the situation.

SecondHandStoke's avatar

I forgot to mention one significant factor.

My level of intoxication (I still keep my cool and unflappable wit).

Edit: The OP is about persons being rude to me.

I’m going to much more deferring toward people being rude to me, as opposed to those I observe being rude to others.

Unofficial_Member's avatar

It has to be specific. My reaction will depend on what they do to me. Bump on me and if I still standing on my feet then I’ll let it be even without any apology offered. If I fell because of you and you didn’t even apologize then I’ll have your face on the ground.

jonsblond's avatar

It depends on my mood and tolerance level at the time. Most days I let things slide, but if you get me on an off day I won’t be afraid to speak my mind.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

It depends on the situation, who they are and my mood. If it was a work situation and it was a one-off thing, I might let it slide if I thought the person was in a bad place. If they were a repeat offender, I’d pull them up on it sharply. There are times when you just have to bite your tongue. If it was a situation like that, I’d let it go but file it away for future reference.

If I was in a store and someone was rude and I was the customer, I’d politely call them out on it too.

If it was someone I don’t know and they’re just a rude, obnoxious person, I’d probably just let it slide.

I wouldn’t be rude back. I would be firm and make it clear they were out of line.

ucme's avatar

Okay, so aside from what @SecondHandStoke said, I use the following method…

Point & laugh, walk away with an unblemished feeling of overwhelming superiority
There are genuine, tangible advantages to being this immature…big kids rule :)

JLeslie's avatar

It depends on my mood, who it is, and what exactly happened.

If it’s my husband I would likely call him out on it.

If it’s a stranger I would likely assume they are having a bad day, and give them a pass, or make a sarcastic remark to someone who witnessed it.

If it’s someone who should be providing me a service I might let it pass, or I might enlighten them trying to help them, but they likely will not perceive it as help and get defensive.

BellaB's avatar

So many variables – who, when, why, how, where ???

Friend/stranger/service provider/colleague?

Coloma's avatar

I should add that I am very easy going, for the most part, but..I will ALWAYS defend someone being picked on mistreated. I can let minor things go, and am not a defensive type at all, but…if you are being a complete ass I am going to verbally filet you.
Recently I told off some jerk in a parking lot that almost ran over a little old man toddling across in front of the store. One of my pet peeves are those that won;t freaking stop for others, for 20 seconds, really pisses me off.
‘Sometimes I deliberately just sit in my car and let all kinds of people pass to annoy the pushy driver behind me. haha

Inspired_2write's avatar

I keep calm knowing that to sink to their level would escalate the encounter.
Realizing that sometimes it could be a response to something other than you
( divorce,bills,arguements,rejections all of that).
If however it was directed at me for no reason..I face the person and use only the facts nothing emotional or vaugue. Nor do I let emotioanl outburst affect my stance..I let it go and concentrate on the facts .
I was at a meeting recently where an 85 year old women who was of a larger size
( not fat, just huge…think built like a football linebacker) who regularly used her size as an weapon ,intimidation tactic to get her way in the meetings for years until I met up with her!

The discussion was about residents in the complex ( apartments) whom make noise after hours ( parties,talking, music, anything that disturbs the other tenants).

Anyways I mentioned that one would look at the lease agreements and if they did they would see in plain language “NO noise after 11pm”.

She decides to puff herself up ( physically to appear menancing an big) in front of me across the table to try and intimidate ( as she usually did to the others over the years successfully taking the lead in all meetings up until this point).

She starts to talk about residents whom feel restricted ( meaning her) in having guests
( after hrs),TV programs etc.
She turns to me and I really hate someone saying in condesending way ” Yes dear….blah blah blah all the while pointing down to me! ( rude)
She is an attention getter narcistic tyrant who was used to getting her way.

I cut her off in the middlet of her her tyraid to say once again and” I pointed back at her saying”
” Read YOUR lease agreement”( I kept to the facts)!

She continued once again and I HAD to say it once more again to make sure that she knew right then and their that she was not going to get away with her intimidation tactics with me and to also let the others who were intimidated know
“how to handle her effectively in the future”.
She was stobborn but…she finally “shut up” after hearing the nervous giggles of the group.
This happened weeks ago and that committee is wondering “why” no one comes to there meetings anymore?

I quit ( monthas ago but was asked to attend) and do not support that committee that is nothing more than two older ladies abusing there power by intimidating others to get there hidden agendas passed.

I saw that lady in the hallway yesterday and she was appologetic, but I have heard her before, and she will never stop her tactics since it is long ingrained in her personality over years of running a retail clothing store ( same way).
By the way her business crumbled..I wonder why?

johnpowell's avatar

@Mimishu1995 :: The best is in online discussions. Say someone replies to you and you think they are beyond having a conversation with. So you don’t reply.

Then you respond to a comment a few past theirs. They know you read theirs since you replied to something after theirs. This can be rage inducing. “WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU IGNORING ME!!!????”

So gratifying.

LornaLove's avatar

I weigh up the situation then make a decision. This is when I am rational which is most of the time. Sometimes, if a person chooses a wrong moment, murder could be on the cards!

imrainmaker's avatar what’s the current count…)

Sneki95's avatar

In my mind, I would do something those cool people do, like taking a higher ground by ignoring, or return the rudeness with a joke and/or response so surprising they would shut up immediately.

In reality, I would not react and possibly just bow down.

Yeah, I’m that kind of people, I’m not good with arguing and dealing with assholes.

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