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How does one be romantic?
Asked by LDRSHIP | 13 responses -
How do people reconcile themselves to being emotional or logical frauds?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 26 responses -
Does your logic fuel your emotions, or do your emotions dictate your logic?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 18 responses -
If you're divorced, how do you handle this?
Asked by janbb | 13 responses -
(NSFW) Have you ever been lonely and want to be alone at the same time?
Asked by talljasperman | 10 responses -
What "cry tear-ia" do you use when weeping at movies?
Asked by ucme | 28 responses -
Is it normal to just randomly cry?
Asked by iLindseyMarie from iPhone | 7 responses -
Would you please genuinely watch this video with no thoughts whatsoever and then telling me how you felt about it?
Asked by pleiades | 11 responses -
What is your opinion about remorse?
Asked by Gifted_With_Languages | 11 responses -
What are your thoughts regarding predisposition and pre-determination in human behavior?
Asked by rojo | 7 responses -
How do you get back up again and fight after an emotional knock back?
Asked by nebule | 22 responses -
Has a bad dream ever left you feeling anxious the next day? What to do about it?
Asked by jlk2525 | 12 responses -
I am having a very hard emotional time. What do I do because no one will help me?
Asked by PuppieLuv | 18 responses -
A lack of emotion makes you guilty?
Asked by Feta | 10 responses -
Can I develop romantic feelings over time dating a guy I don't love?
Asked by jypl | 16 responses -
When things have to be difficult for a long time, how do you minimize bouts of self-pity and despair and get back on course?
Asked by ninjacolin | 21 responses -
Which do you handle better in your personal life: one big problem or several small ones?
Asked by tedibear | 11 responses -
Do you feel emotionally manipulated by commercials?
Asked by marinelife | 26 responses -
Have you ever flamed or otherwise attacked somebody on here?
Asked by Berserker | 60 responses -
Are we the stewards of others' feelings?
Asked by Hawaii_Jake | 13 responses -
What can you learn from your pain?
Asked by janbb | 16 responses -
In need of some advice via PM. Would you like to help?
Asked by jordym84 | 6 responses -
Do intelligent animals react to music in a major cord differently from music in a minor?
Asked by ETpro | 18 responses -
Is it right to temporarily put off your work to deal with emotional problems?
Asked by Mimishu1995 | 7 responses -
How was 2013 for you?
Asked by jca | 39 responses