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How easily readable are you?
Asked by longgone | 16 responses -
Can one learn to behave confidently even when feeling insecure?
Asked by Mariah | 19 responses -
Do you think crying is like a cleansing of the Soul?
Asked by Araphel | 19 responses -
What was the last thing that enraged you?
Asked by Araphel | 21 responses -
Butterfly like feeling in the body?
Asked by Vincent_Lloyd | 4 responses -
Why do I feel empty at night after coming home from a party?
Asked by lostinyoureyes | 11 responses -
I understand venting or talking about your problems helps, but is there really a point when it's stuff from the past?
Asked by Blackberry | 21 responses -
Why is he so confused? Should I do something about his problems?
Asked by dina_didi | 57 responses -
What type of angry person are you, a “spewer”, a "stuffer", or a "leaker"?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 22 responses -
Do your emotions dictate how you love?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 61 responses -
Do you think of love as more or less "worthy" based on its recipient?
Asked by longgone | 12 responses -
Any tips on how to teach my daughter to dive into the swimming pool?
Asked by Stinley | 51 responses -
How many living things do you take care of?
Asked by longgone | 34 responses -
Where and on whom do you spend most of your emotional currency?
Asked by tedibear | 11 responses -
What should I do about my friend being a jerk?
Asked by PuppieLuv | 37 responses -
When you encounter emotional issues do you ask for help?
Asked by Mimishu1995 | 11 responses -
How different do you think the world would be, if we could ''see'' emotions?
Asked by Berserker | 13 responses -
Do you ever feel the emotions characters in books are feeling?
Asked by rory | 9 responses -
To what extent do you think our moral codes are governed by our reasoning ability?
Asked by LostInParadise | 14 responses -
Why hate Microsoft?
Asked by Hawaii_Jake | 28 responses -
Are you nosy?
Asked by GloPro from iPhone | 25 responses -
How do you process sadness?
Asked by Hawaii_Jake | 29 responses -
What positive things have happened for you from being stressed?
Asked by JLeslie | 23 responses -
What makes you wistful?
Asked by ibstubro | 33 responses -
Brandan Francis quote: ”The big difference between sex for money and sex for free is that sex for money usually costs a lot less.”, do you think that meant financially, emotionally or both?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 8 responses