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Did you ever paint anything (indoors) in high humidity, and if so, did it cause issues with the paint?
Asked by jca | 9 responses -
I want to paint my old furniture. How do I get optimal results?
Asked by linguaphile | 13 responses -
When having the exterior of a house painted, should all the caulking around the windows be redone?
Asked by JLeslie | 10 responses -
Painting my Car: How much should I sand?
Asked by majorrich | 6 responses -
This is supposedly an oil painting, but I find it hard to believe. Is this really an oil painting? If so, how is this possible?
Asked by Blackberry | 22 responses -
Where to find erotic anime-style art prints on canvas?
Asked by Esedess | 8 responses -
I'm looking for a good reference in how to repaint an electric guitar to a solid color, got any?
Asked by whitecarnations | 5 responses -
What can I add to paint to make it dry really, really quickly?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 8 responses -
How do I find the right paint to cover up this hole in the wall?
Asked by Marchofthefox | 6 responses -
How do I perfectly match the paint on my wall?
Asked by DrewJ | 12 responses -
How many squares are there on a standard chess board?
Asked by likipie | 11 responses -
Why is a piece of painted furniture still kind of tacky three weeks after being painted?
Asked by jca | 8 responses -
How can I get built-up old grease off of wooden kitchen cabinets?
Asked by jca | 10 responses -
How to survive this art project if I have no artistic ability?
Asked by tianalovesyou | 11 responses -
How should I go about restoring bocce balls?
Asked by jaketheripper | 6 responses -
I want to spray paint my car, myself, what kind of spray do I need?
Asked by whitetigress | 9 responses -
(NSFW) Anyone ever have any fun with liquid latex body paint? Is it easy to use?
Asked by Jude | 14 responses -
What should I use for drawing (and erasing) on painted walls?
Asked by ellbur | 17 responses -
Is there an alternative for Bob Ross paint?
Asked by Moonya | 17 responses -
Is it possible to remove paint from brick economically?
Asked by HungryGuy | 9 responses -
Have any tips on painting a room?
Asked by erichw1504 | 30 responses -
What exactly does the painting style Depressionism consists of?
Asked by rebbel | 9 responses -
A can of paint that you had just purchased at Wal Mart fell over on your back seat in the car and poured paint onto the seat. What would you do?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 32 responses -
Advice on painting fake wood dressers?
Asked by desiree333 | 6 responses -
Can I upload pictures that I made on Paint?
Asked by blueberry_kid | 30 responses